Monday, March 26, 2012

We Thank The O God for a Prophet! :)

This morning Joanna woke up with the yucky stomach flu. I was so touched as I held her in my arms, and read her stories, and sang her some songs so early in the morning (for me.) She was suffering, and basked in the comfort of my arms, and company. It feels so good to be needed sometimes! I felt joy in this moment...even though the through up was not inspiring...I could find joy being with Jos! I knew that if I were sick like her...I would want someone to coddle me and be attentive to me too. :)

I pulled up one of the FRESH talks from the Young Women's Broadcast! FRESH off the press! The press online I guess. :) It was so GOOD to hear the prophet's voice! One thing he said that really inspired me was this...and I paraphrase...:)

"By the yard, Life is hard..
But by the inch, Life is a cinch!" He encouraged us to ENDURE! And that we just need to "Look to Heavenly Father for guidance ONE day at a time." :)

1 comment:

  1. That is AWESOME Hannah! I love that quote!!! I've been wanting to check out the Young Women's Broadcast...I need to look it up too! Thanks for reminding me about it!
